01 June 2007

Change is the only thing constant

Change is a good thing. Regardless of the nature of change - good or bad, it is good for us. Change is what makes our life interesting. It helps us grow, teaches us about ourselves and ensures that we are not stagnant. So is change really a good thing? If you ask me this question when I am going through an unwelcoming change then perhaps I will respond differently :)
The truth though is that change is the only thing constant in our lives. Nothing is permanent. The day I apply this truth with all my heart in all aspects of my life, I will be such a happy bunny!

We all are aware of the constant changes that happen to our lives (e.g. changing jobs, relocating, etc.) But what about the changes that occur to us as individuals? What defines you as you, does that change with the changes that occur in your life? Should the YOU change with those changes? Maybe YOU should change or may be YOU shouldn't.

Lets consider the 'maybe YOU should change' part. We might not notice the change in ourselves but others might do. Is that why we make comments such as, "people change", "you are not what you used to be, you have changed" and so on and so forth? I guess we make such comments because we look at that person from our perspective.

So perhaps before we observe changes in other people, we should observe ourselves. It is easier said then done. Observe oneself whilst keeping in mind all the experiences that one has gone through in one's life so far. Then one should be able to see whether one has changed or not. I was thinking about this, right from when I was a kid to the present (I am still a kid.....thinking-wise if not age-wise!). I reflected on many incidents and situations and felt that there was something about me that has remained constant throughout. I am unable to explain what do I mean by that 'something' but, it is part of the definition of who Rashmee is. For instance, an honest person learns through experiences that sometimes the truth needs to be expressed diplomatically rather than abruptly. This doesn't mean that the person has changed just because they learnt to adapt to life.

My point is that, we evolve as we go through the experiences of our lives. However, there is something in us which is with us from the moment we are born and it is constant and un-influenced by the changes that surround it. This 'thing' that defines us as individuals, learns to adapt to the changes but the 'thing' itself remains the same. What happens though is that maybe the changes cover that 'thing' with their dust. As a result, we fall under the influence of this dust and thats what makes us say to ourselves that "we have changed". I guess we need to make sure that we regularly shake this dust off of us.

What do you think?
